Course Assignment: Literacy Project Description


The following is a required course assignment for candidates enrolled in SPE 525, Educational Planning for Students with Severe Disabilities. Candidates complete this project in conjunction with a weekly field practicum which involves tutoring a student with significant disabilities.






Literacy Instructional Program

With prior approval from professor:

3a. Assess and determine your student's current literacy skills and the resulting instructional program you will be using with them. Use informal literacy assessments provided in class, or if you have taken SPE 514/515, conduct a QRI or running record to determine current abilities/needs. Ask your cooperating teacher what the student's current literacy level is and what their abilities (what they can currently do) and priorities (what they need to learn) are in literacy. Give a brief narrative account of your assessment and provide a rationale for the literacy program you will be doing (Structured Shared Reading or Guided Reading).Students who have taken SPE 514/515 are expected to conduct Guided Reading sessions. (5 points)

3b. Teach the literacy program for at least (3) different sessions using lesson formats presented in class. Provided detailed lesson plans and reflections (see below). Record progress (data based and anecdotal) of your profile student with regard to literacy priorities and objectives. Provide data sheets and narrative of student's progress. Provide actual instructional materials or photos of materials that you used for your instruction (books, PowerPoint books, website addresses with specific activities) (5 points)

3c. Provide (2) videotaped lessons of your instructional program. Obtain copy of written permission (photo release) and include with project. Provide reflections and analyses of your instruction and teacher decision making. Reflect on each session in detail (SEE BELOW) Reflections should be at least 2-3 double spaced type written pages per lesson. (10 points) Reflect on your teaching: Answer these questions in narrative format after each session:

  • Did I implement my program as planned?
  • How effective was I in my instruction? (your comfort level, fluency, prompts provided,  timing, pacing and flow of lesson).
  • Were the materials engaging? Choice of text appropriate? Would you change or continue with this level of text?
  • How did my student respond? Were they active participants? Passive? Give examples.
  • What worked well? What didn't? What would you do differently next time? What would you continue to do?

Remember to include all your instructional materials with your project (copy front covers of books, Boardmaker boards, word work activities. PowerPoint books)!