Digital Book

These are the resources found under this topic.
  • Book: Creating Inclusive Schools-

     The Work of the New York Higher Education Support Center for SystemsChange

    Cover of: Creating Inclusive Schools 

    This book represents the final publication of the NY Higher Education Support Center for SystemsChange and is a chronical of the work performed by the HESC, and by the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling.


     Download this book (PDF)

  • IRIS Modules for - Visit the IRIS Center for Training Enhancements for free online interactive modules, podcasts, case studies and articles that directly and effectively translate research about the education of students with disabilities into practice. The materials of evidence-based topics, including behavior, RTI, learning strategies, and progress monitoring. Very effective modules that can be used directly with students in teacher preparation programs.
  • Curriculum Comics-

    A great collection of comics dealing with topics like

    • Teacher as Reflective Practitioner
    • Learning Styles
    • Multiple Intelligences
    • Classroom Discipline Models

    Very clever, and quite compelling. 

    Note: These are presented in blog style which means the first post is at the bottom of the page so you are better off progressing through them in reverse order.

  • UDL Book Builder- The CAST Book Builder is an online utility that makes it easy to build accessible, online books that include audio support, glossaries, and learning guides. The utility is free and there is a growing collection of books as people create more and contribute them to the collection. It fully supports the use of effective UDL practices.
  • Online book for Maximizing Literacy Learning for Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities- This online book was prepared by Roberta F. Schnorr and Amanda Fenlon from SUNY Oswego and does a great job of adressing literacy skills. It is full of extra documents, examples and videos of the techniques being described. (some restrictions exist regarding who can view the videos)