
These are the resources found under this topic.
  • UDL Book Builder- The CAST Book Builder is an online utility that makes it easy to build accessible, online books that include audio support, glossaries, and learning guides. The utility is free and there is a growing collection of books as people create more and contribute them to the collection. It fully supports the use of effective UDL practices.
  • Presentation: Online Learning by NYIT-

    These are links to some of the resources used or mentioned in the breakout session on online learning by NYIT (Mike Uttendorfer, Dolores Burton, Sarah McPherson)

    This was the Powerpoint they presented.

  • Blogs and Wikis for Assistive and Instructional Technology Resources-

    Dr Sarah McPherson used this wiki to present her workshop at the Routes to RtI Summer Symposium (July 2008) of the Long Island Regional Task Force on Inclusive Schooling.


    Teachers need easy access to information about assistive technology. Blogs and wikis can help. Teachers and others can use these web 2.0 tools to share resources about technology for meeting students’ special needs. At this session find out how you can use blogs and wikis to help children learn.