PowerPoint Books for the


Students with significant disabilities and challenges in communication are sometimes more motivated to read digital books.
Here is the link to free PowerPoint
books that can be downloaded and read on the computer.Directions follow the link:



When you get to this page,
scroll down and you'll see the PowerPoint books. You can open them up and save
them to a hard drive, jump drive or disc. Most of them have narration and the
students can learn to use them independently by clicking the mouse. If you want
the students to read the text, just turn the volume off and you can use the
books for guided reading or structured shared reading.


Boardmaker Literacy Supports

Attached you will find several Boardmaker boards developed by candidates to support the literacy learning of students with significant disabilities during weekly practicum/literacy tutoring. Boardmaker (Mayer-Johnson, 2008; www.mayer-johnson.com ) is a computer software program that has great versatility based upon the use of visuals and used widely in public school classrooms is This software has a graphics database containing over 3,000 Picture Communication Symbols. The program allows one to quickly and easily make a multitude of materials for students with limited or emerging communication abilities, such as communication boards and books, visual schedules, social stories, personalized books, notes home to parents, and literacy activities. Boardmaker allows users to import digital pictures for individualized communication boards and story books. Boardmaker is the software that allows teachers and therapists to utilize the Picture Communication Exchange System (PECS), which has been so highly effective for students with autism (Bondy & Frost, 1994). (See Boardmaker Literacy Supports.doc)


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Boardmaker Literacy Supports.doc213.5 KB