Eastern Region Task Force Meeting Friday May 15th
The Eastern Region Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling will meet on
Friday, May 15th
10-12 at the
College of St. Rose,
Room 123 Lally Hall
PLEASE let us know if you can attend: Reply to Diana, dmstraut@aol.com
We hope you can join us.
Kim Baker and Diana Straut, Eastern Region Co-Liaisons
A discussion of Co-Teaching and Collaboration lead by Daniella Lans, Questar III Boces
Daniella was a part of a pilot project for the Integrated Co-Teaching model (Collaborative Team Teaching) in NYC district 29 and has a wide range of experience with collaboration in inclusive settings.
Sharing of materials and resources from the New England Inclusive Education Summit (Diana Straut)
Update from Statewide Meeting and Statewide initiatives (Kim Baker)
Update on S3TAIR project and discussion of Mini-grant opportunities (Job Thomas)
Planning for our Summer Symposium: Exciting things are underway--we are partnering with the Albany Chapter of the Autism Society; Paula Kluth will kick off the two day event (July 14th and 15th). (Kim, Diana, Susan DeLuke)
On street parking should be available on Western Ave. and Madison Ave. A campus map is located at http://www.strose.edu/Visitors/Map/default.aspx
If you prefer on campus parking, you can get a guest permit at http://www.strose.edu/Campus_Life/Campus_Safety_and_Parking/Parking/Login/default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fCampus_Life%2fCampus_Safety_and_Parking%2fParking%2fDefault.aspx