Including Samuel Special Showing
The NYU Council for the Study of Disability and The NYU Student Chapter of the Council for Exceptional Children invite you to a special showing of:
Including Samuel
Dan Habib and Richard Ellenson
Friday, April 9th, 2010,
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
19 University Place
Film viewing and conversation between Dan Habib, film-maker and father of Samuel and Richard Ellenson the father of Thomas and the force behind the development of NYC's Manhattan School for Children (PS333) a K-8th Grade inclusion school. Richard Ellenson is also known as the developer of "TANGO" a communication device that has enabled his son and others to be more fully included in their classrooms.
This is an exciting opportunity for these two men to share their experiences and address questions regarding inclusion as portrayed through the stories contained in Including Samuel and the experience of inclusive education in the New York City public schools.
Including Samuel: Photojournalist Dan Habib rarely thought about the inclusion of children with disabilities before he had his son Samuel 10 years ago. Now he thinks about inclusion every day. Habib documented his family's efforts to include Samuel in every facet of their lives, a journey that transforms each of them.