We are meeting in Whitestone on October 8, 2010 at 9:30AM.
Breakfast and lunch will be served at the retreat. Please let me know if you will attend. I will send out the directions to my home and the agenda shortly. -Brenda
Besides evaluating the work we did during 2009-2010 , we will make plans for 2010-2011.
In addition, we will be honoring those who retired this year, Kathleen McSorley and Pauline Bynoe.
Attached is a call for proposals for next October's combined NYSATE/NYACTE - Task Force Conference at the Gideon Putnam in Saratoga Springs, NY.
As Kate DaBoll-LaVoie and I described at the Statewide Meeting on March 26th, for this coming fall's Statewide Meeting, the TF has combined with NYSATE/NYACTE to offer a somewhat different venue for its work. As such, our support of our membership for the event will reflect a different structure. HESC will pay for members' registrations for the conference ($185).
at the UFT Teachers Center, 50 Broadway in Manhattan.
Promising High School Practices
Saturday, March 21st, 2009
8:30 AM -1:00 PM
8:30 Continental Breakfast
9:00 Greetings and Welcome
David J. Connor, Hunter College, CUNY
Brenda Dressler, Liaison, New York City Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schools
Carol Haupt & MaryAnn Jordan, UFT Teacher Center
Ellen Mc Hugh & MatyBeth Fadelici, Parent-to-Parent
9:10 Inclusive High School Classrooms: Benefits and Challenges
David J. Connor