at Nazareth College; School of Education
4245 East Ave
Rochester, NY 14618
Golisano Building Room 61
bagels and beverages will be served.
Parking is best in the Q lot and then people can come in through the canopy entrance and walk straight to the other end of the building.
Campus Map :
MANY Thanks to Ellen Contopidis at Naz and her colleagues for making these arrangements.
Linda Ware has asked that we discuss the clinically rich graduate teacher education pilot RFP in regard to an urban/rural collaboration.
First Annual Nazareth College Inclusion Institute November 6, 2010 Nazareth College, Rochester, NY
We encourage presentations that reflect the Inclusion Institute theme, "Revealing the Strengths of Learners with Autism," from early intervention to post-secondary transition in any of the following strand areas:
at Saint John Fisher College
We are meeting in the Alesi Education Center, Room 102, which is Building 14 on the map. It is directly across the street from the main entrance to the college.
If you enter the front door, walk down the hall, turn left and go all the way to the end of the hall.
Attached is a call for proposals for next October's combined NYSATE/NYACTE - Task Force Conference at the Gideon Putnam in Saratoga Springs, NY.
As Kate DaBoll-LaVoie and I described at the Statewide Meeting on March 26th, for this coming fall's Statewide Meeting, the TF has combined with NYSATE/NYACTE to offer a somewhat different venue for its work. As such, our support of our membership for the event will reflect a different structure. HESC will pay for members' registrations for the conference ($185).
We will be holding our first regional task force meeting of 2010 this coming Thursday from 10:30-1:30 at Nazareth College. Thanks to Ellen Contopidis for making these arrangements. Ellen sends the following details.
We have Galisano room 21 reserved and bagels and coffee ordered. The meeting is from 10:30-1:30. Parking is a bit of an issue in that we have all our student teachers on campus that week. People will just need to find spots in the front and side lots, I will have passes when they arrive.