At the Linden Park BOCES office in Penfield, NY Room 2A.
At the meeting we will go over the final registrations for Paula Kluth and provide updates to the summer symposium multi-media project and many many other details.
Houghton College and the Task Force for Quality Inclusive Schooling
cordially invite you to attend a dinner/professional development event on
Linking Positive Behavioral Supports
to a Response to Intervention Framework
Featuring presenters from Lockwood Elementary School
(Letchworth Central School District)
Mr. William Bean, Principal
Dr. Pamela Wilkie, School Psychologist
We will be meeting in the Luckey Conference Room on the basement level of the Luckey Building (#9 on the attached campus map). Please park in the lot between Luckey Building (#9) and Wesley Chapel (#10). Enter the side door of Luckey Building and go directly downstairs. The conference room is the first door on your left.
Alfred University: Nevins Theater, Powell Campus Center
Alfred, NY 14802
(registration & networking 8:30-9:00)
Co – sponsored by Upstate Bilingual SETRC, Alfred University Division of Education, The Higher Education Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling (Mid-West Region), BOCES Geneseo Migrant Center, Opening Doors Diversity Project: NY State Migrant Education
Upstate Bilingual SETRC and the Higher Education Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling (Mid-West Region) invite you to:
Culturally, Linguistically, & Deliciously Diverse: Preparing Educators for the 21st Century
Dinner & Dialogue with
Dr. Leonard Baca, Director of the Bueno Center for Multicultural Education
University of Colorado, Boulder
April 23, 2008 5:30 p.m.
Alfred University, One Saxon Drive
Kenyon- Allen Suite, Powell Campus Center
Alfred, NY
At the Burgundy Basin Inn located in Bushnell's Basin (outside Rochester)
Mara Sapon-Shevin is Professor of Inclusive Education in the Teaching and Leadership Department of the School of Education at Syracuse University. She teaches in the University’s Inclusive Elementary and Special Education Teacher Education Program that prepares teachers for inclusive, heterogeneous classrooms.
The author of over 250 books, book chapters and articles, Mara writes extensively about the fields of full inclusion, cooperative learning, social justice education and teaching for diversity.
Followed by a conversation with filmmaker and photojournalist Dan Habib
Monday, April 21at 7:00 p.m.
Dryden Theatre
George Eastman House
900 East Avenue
Rochester, NY
Dan Habib rarely thought about the inclusion of children with disabilities before he had his son
Samuel eight years ago. Now he thinks about inclusion every day. Habib documented his
family's efforts to include Samuel in every facet of their lives, a journey that transforms each of
them. Including Samuel also features four other families with varied inclusion experiences, plus
Submitted by adminswirt on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 5:07pm.
The Vison of the Western New York Branch
To be a resource for information and services that addresses the full scope of dyslexia
To accomplish this in a way that builds cooperation, partnership and understanding among professional communities and individuals with dyslexia and their families
To do this so that every individual is valued and has the opportunity to lead a productive and fulfilling life, and society benefits from the resource that is liberated
We are all set for the 13th here at Naz. We will be meeting in GAC 151 and I have breakfast for 10 ordered (let me know if I need more) People can park in visitor parking in the front of the building. let me know if you need anything else.
Please RSVP so that we have some idea of how many people to anticipate.
In addition, if you are planning to attend the evening event with Dr. Leonard Baca here at Alfred University Wednesday April 23rd, please let me know by Monday March 17th.
Submitted by adminswirt on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 6:20pm.
A group of individuals that have joined together to provide support and education to families and the community. Each individual in the group has his/her own opinions about issues relating to Down Syndrome.
Submitted by adminswirt on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 5:05pm.
The Autism Society of America Western New York Chapter includes professionals and parents of children with Autism, PDD, and Asperger Syndrome. The Chapter holds informational meetings and workshops and publishes a newsletter.