Mid-West Regional Task Force Meeting

11/19/2010 - 11:00am
11/19/2010 - 2:00pm

at Nazareth College; School of Education
4245 East Ave
Rochester, NY 14618

Golisano Building Room 61

bagels and beverages will be served.
Parking is best in the Q lot and then people can come in through the canopy entrance and walk straight to the other end of the building.
Campus Map : http://www.naz.edu/campusmap/
MANY Thanks to Ellen Contopidis at Naz and her colleagues for making these arrangements.

Linda Ware has asked that we discuss the clinically rich graduate teacher education pilot RFP in regard to an urban/rural collaboration.
I will review the new guidelines for the 24C Partnership initiative
I would like to discuss the update to programs on certification for students with disabilities.

If you have other agenda items you would like to add to the discussion, please let me know.

Otherwise, I look forward to seeing many of you on Friday!
