Eastern Region Task Force Meeting
Systems Change for Inclusive Schooling
The Eastern Region Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 4-6 pm
Sage College of Albany/Kahl Campus Center Room 105
An extraordinary group of local administrators and teachers have been invited to share their experiences with restructuring schools to better meet the needs of all learners. Resources to facilitate school wide system change will be provided for participants. This is an opportunity for network service providers and IHEs to hear from local administrators about the needs and challenges they have faced in their restructuring efforts.
The meeting will begin promptly at 4 pm. By 4:15 facilitated roundtable discussions will be underway.
Refreshments will be served
Please RSVP to Diana Straut, dmstraut@aol.com
For directions and parking information, visit http://www.sage.edu/
and click on ‘Albany Campus Map’ under visitor information