Inclusive Teacher Preparation
- Book: Creating Inclusive Schools-
The Work of the New York Higher Education Support Center for SystemsChange
This book represents the final publication of the NY Higher Education Support Center for SystemsChange and is a chronical of the work performed by the HESC, and by the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling.
Download this book (PDF)
- IRIS Modules for - Visit the IRIS Center for Training Enhancements for free online interactive modules, podcasts, case studies and articles that directly and effectively translate research about the education of students with disabilities into practice. The materials of evidence-based topics, including behavior, RTI, learning strategies, and progress monitoring. Very effective modules that can be used directly with students in teacher preparation programs.
- 21st Century Skills in Hybrid and Face-to-Face Learning Environments- This presentation was given by Dr. Kathleen Gradel from SUNY Fredonia at the Fall 2009 Statewide meeting of the Task Force.
- Inclusive Teacher Preparation Programs at Mount Saint Mary College- This presentation was Given by Dr. Dee Berlinghoff of Mount Saint Mary College at the Fall 2009 statewide meeting of the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling.
- Book: Learning to Teach Inclusively by Celia Oyler-
Learning to Teach Inclusively: Student Teachers’ Classroom Inquiries
- The Practices of Inclusive Teacher Preparation Programs (Annotated Bibliography1996-2007)-
Nowadays, teacher preparation programs across the country are undergoing continuous structural changes in response to the increased call for inclusive practices in schools. Special and general educators alike are required to have positive attitudes, dispositions, and the competency to successfully educate children with diverse backgrounds.
- Surveying the Geography of Inclusion among Teacher Preparation Programs in the NYSTFQIS-
These presentations were given by Peter Kozik of the NY Higher Education Support Center and used data from a survey conducted by Hayley Cavino from the Office of Professional Research and Development at Syracuse University.
- Presentation: Teacher Candidate Assessment @ The College of St. Rose- This presentation was given by Dana Abbott, Susan DeLuke, and Christine Preisinger from the College of St. Rose.
- Iris Center for Faculty Enhancement-
National effort, serving college faculty working in pre-service preparation programs, aims to ensure that general education teachers are prepared to work with students with disabilities.
A great collection of Modules are available for instructors (teacher educators) or classroom teachers.
- Sakai: Open Source Portfolio (OSP) consultants- This company helps schools implement the technology behind online portfolio assessment using the Sakai: Open Source Portfolio system. Offering training and consulting.
- Standards for Inclusive Teacher Preparation Programs- This document outlines eight standards for Inclusive Teacher Preparation Programs in an effort to produce quality inclusive schooling in NYS.
- Ensuring Highly Qualified and Effective Teachers for Students with Disabilities- Presented by Joe Frey.
- Recent Graduate Interviews: Preliminary Feedback on Teacher Preparation Programs- Presented by Haley Cavino (project evaluator)
- Preparing Teachers to Work With Students With Disabilities- Possibilities and Challenges for Special and General Teacher Education A White Paper of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) FOCUS COUNCIL ON SPECIAL EDUCATION February 2002 Two documents, one with ERIC details, one without.
- Rubric for Assessing the Qualities of Partnerships Between Schools and Teacher Preparation Programs at Institutions of Higher Ed- The purpose of this document is to assess partnerships between schools and institution of higher education teacher preparation programs. By focusing on specific quality indicators, this rubric may be used to help assess these partnerships for a variety of purposes: 1) pre-program needs assessment, 2) ongoing self-assessment, 3) observational tool for studing partnership effectiveness. ( Word Document) Also included is a powerpoint presentation giving an overview of the rubric.
- Professional Development Plan (PDP) Summary-
Requirements for the Professional Development Plan
General School Requirements Section 100.2 (dd)
Summarized by Peter L. Kozik from Information at Part 100.2, NYSED.
The purpose of the plan shall be to improve the quality of teaching and learning by ensuring that teachers participate in substantial professional development in order that they remain current with their profession and meet the learning needs of their students.
- The Accreditation Cafe: Making the process of accreditation stronger- PowerPoint Presentation by Peter Kozik of the HESC at Syracuse University
- Professional Development / Best Practices Channel at TeacherTube- This is an ever growing collection of video clips that teach concepts and skills that may be useful to teachers. They are made available for teachers to use (free of charge) with their students.
- Bibliography: Innovative and Inclusive Curriculum Models- Jacobs, H. H. (Ed.). (1989). Interdisciplinary curriculum: Design and implementation. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
- Minigrant Initiatives Final Report on Inclusive Teacher Preparation Programs- Asked institutions to indicate their overall plan for developing or modifying their teacher education programs to prepare all teachers for working successfully with students who have special needs. This document is a final report of the project. (96 pages - PDF)
- Synopsis: Standards for Licensing General & Special Education Teachers of Students with Disabilities- This document addresses what beginning general education teachers and special education teachers need to know and be able to do to teach students with disabilities. (70 pages - pdf)