These are the resources found under this topic.
- IRIS Modules for - Visit the IRIS Center for Training Enhancements for free online interactive modules, podcasts, case studies and articles that directly and effectively translate research about the education of students with disabilities into practice. The materials of evidence-based topics, including behavior, RTI, learning strategies, and progress monitoring. Very effective modules that can be used directly with students in teacher preparation programs.
- Quality Indicators - Behavioral Supports and Interventions-
- School-Wide Positive Behavioral Systems (PBS)
- Classroom Management
- Targeted Small Group Behavioral Interventions
- Intensive Individualized Behavioral Interventions
- Positive Behavioral Supports Workgroup Report (Fall 2009)-
This was presented by Dr. Amanda Fenlon at the Fall Statewide meeting of the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling.
- Promising Practices in the Mid-West Video Collection- This collection of videos was produced by the Mid-West region and distributed as a DVD. The videos are available here online. Current effective practices covered are Literacy, Special Ed, and Positive Behavioral Supports.
- Positive Behavioral Supports and Intervention Study Group Presentation- This was presented at the Sept 26, 2008 Statewide meeting of the Task Force.
- Presentation from the Study Group on PBS- This presentation was done by Amanda Fenlon and the study group on Positive Behavioral Supports.
- Positive Behavioral Supports website- This is the website for PBIS. The OSEP-funded National Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports was established to address the behavioral and discipline systems needed for successful learning and social development of students. The Center provides capacity-building information and technical support about behavioral systems to assist states and districts in the design of effective schools.
- NYSED on What is PBIS?- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a systems approach to preventing and responding to school and classroom discipline problems. PBIS develops school-wide systems that support staff to teach and promote positive behavior ...
- Bibliography: Positive Behavioral Support Planning- Barringer, C., & Cheney, D. (1997). Staff development and the inclusion of middle school students with emotional and behavioral disorders in regular education: Findings from Project DESTINY. In C. Liberton, K. Kutash, and R. Friedman (Eds.), The 9th Annual Research Conference Proceedings, A System of Care for Children's Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base (March 6-8, 1996) (pp. 347-354). Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, Florida Mental Health Institute, Research and Training Center for Children's Mental Health.