
These are the resources found under this topic.
  • The Complexities of Educating Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Young Children with Disabilities- Language Impaired or Second Language Learner? This presentation will examine the major issues regarding the identification, assessment, and instruction of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) young children with disabilities. We will also discuss how to address these issues in teacher preparation programs. Presented by Victoria Rodriguez at the 2011 Spring Statewide meeting of the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling.
  • IRIS Modules for - Visit the IRIS Center for Training Enhancements for free online interactive modules, podcasts, case studies and articles that directly and effectively translate research about the education of students with disabilities into practice. The materials of evidence-based topics, including behavior, RTI, learning strategies, and progress monitoring. Very effective modules that can be used directly with students in teacher preparation programs.
  • Quality Indicators - Literacy-
    1. Early Literacy Instructional Practice
    2. Adolescent Literacy (Middle Level)
    3. Adolescent Literacy (High School)
    4. Specially Designed and Intensive Reading for Students with Disabilities
    5. Systemic Support 

  • Literacy Workgroup Report (Fall 2009)-

    This report was presented by Dr. Sarah McPherson at the Fall 2009 Statewide meeting of the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling.

  • Promising Practices in the Mid-West Video Collection- This collection of videos was produced by the Mid-West region and distributed as a DVD. The videos are available here online. Current effective practices covered are Literacy, Special Ed, and Positive Behavioral Supports.
  • Literacy Study Group Report- This was a presentation given by the Study Group on Literacy at the September 26, 2008 Statewide meeting of the Task Force.
  • Book: A Land We can Share: Teaching Literacy to Students with Autism- by Paula Kluth and Kelly Chandler-Olcot isbn: 978-1-55766-855-4 paperback Teachers are going to love this book! Passionate and practical, it moves beyond "sight words" and other functional literacy skills and provides the know-how for bringing quality, meaningful literacy instruction to students with autism. Authored by respected, dynamic scholars in autism and literacy, the book breaks new ground as it focuses specifically on ways in which educators can improve literacy outcomes for students with autism spectrum disorders in Grades K–12 classrooms.
  • Improving Assessment and Accountability for English Language Learners in the No Child Left Behind Act- Washington, DC – A report by the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the U.S., examining the impact of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) on English language learners (ELLs) concludes that while the law has not been implemented adequately, it holds considerable promise for closing the achievement gap between ELLs and other students.
  • Report on the National Literacy Panel for Language Mintority Children & Youth