2010-03-26 Statewide Meeting

These are the resources found under this topic.
  • Statewide Meeting Overview 3-26-2010-

    Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling

    March 26, 2010

    Crowne Plaza Hotel, Albany, New York

  • Mapping the VESID Quality Indicators against Teacher Preparation Programs-

    As part of the Task Force’s on-going application of the VESID Quality Indicators to Teacher Preparation Programs in NYS, teacher preparation programs at four institutions will describe and discuss their processes for mapping the Quality Indicators against curricula and field experiences. Discussions will include their purposes and methods for mapping the Quality Indicators, the conversations with colleagues during the process, the benefits and challenges of the mapping process, and the learning that took place in programs as a result of the mapping.

  • Raising the Bar through Curriculum Enhancement: -

    SUNY Fredonia's 325T OSEP Grant

    This presentation will describe SUNY Fredonia’s College of Education five-year $500,000 grant through the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education. The program initiative is designed to improve the training and qualifications of its graduates as they earn certification in special education and general education. The discussion will focus on our goals and grant implementation process.

    Presented by Kathleen Magiera and Rhea Simmons of SUNY Fredonia.

    PowerPoint file attached below.

  • Parent Engagement in Teacher Preparation-

    Presenters will offer examples of how NYS teacher preparation programs incorporate explicit instruction to support the data that shows the positive impact that effective parent involvement has on student performance and outcomes. Participants will explore teacher preparation courses that invite parents to present, provide for a family-based practicum, and model evidence based practices and effective strategies on parent involvement.

  • Project MUSE: A collaborative program for 7-12 special education teacher preparation-

    Project MUSE is a federally-funded (325T) program for preservice program improvement at Bank Street College designed to create an innovative case-based, collaborative Master’s degree program to address the shortage of secondary special education teachers. Working in partnership with the Bridges for Learning Network, a component of the New York City Public School System, Project MUSE incorporates public school teachers and administrators as partners in designing multimedia teaching cases which form the nucleus of an integrated, field-based teacher preparation program.

  • Evidence Based Decision Making: Making it work in the Middle School-

    This session guided participants through Mineola Middle School's comprehensive evidence-based decision making program. Participants will learn how our inclusive 3 tier program was developed from the ground up through a team approach and is now validated as an Effective practice through the S3TAIR project which is supported by a State Personnel Development Grant from the United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and VESID. Components such as team building, ownership, development, structure, the IST, and progress monitoring will be discussed.