Disabilities - specific


Sproutflix presents carefully selected films of artistry and intellect from around the world specifically related to the lives, performances and accomplishments of people with developmental disabilities.

Wild Onion Press - Books Starring Kids with Disabilities

Our books are not about children with differences, they are for children with differences —as well as for any reader looking for a rip-roaring adventure.

Learning Disabilities Association of Central New York - LDACNY

Has the mission to enhance the quality of life for children and adults with learning disabilities by providing advocacy, programs and educational resources.

Disability History Week

States are taking an important step in the promotion of further understanding and awareness of disability history and the disability rights movement by designating a week (or more) to acknowledge the role and contributions of individuals with disabilities in our society. During an established Disability History Week, states will require their public schools to infuse instruction and activities related to disability history into the existing school curriculum.

The Museum of Disability

Interesting website with great information related to disability and its role in history.

SchwabLearning - A Parents guide to helping Kids with Learning Disabilities

A nonprofit organization, dedicated to providing reliable, parent-friendly information from experts and parents.

Uniquely Gifted

Website with resources for gifted students with special needs.

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