- Book: Creating Inclusive Schools-
The Work of the New York Higher Education Support Center for SystemsChange
This book represents the final publication of the NY Higher Education Support Center for SystemsChange and is a chronical of the work performed by the HESC, and by the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling.
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- National Center for Education Statistics- The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education.
- Quality Indicators - Literacy-
- Early Literacy Instructional Practice
- Adolescent Literacy (Middle Level)
- Adolescent Literacy (High School)
- Specially Designed and Intensive Reading for Students with Disabilities
- Systemic Support
- Quality Indicators - Behavioral Supports and Interventions-
- School-Wide Positive Behavioral Systems (PBS)
- Classroom Management
- Targeted Small Group Behavioral Interventions
- Intensive Individualized Behavioral Interventions
- Quality Indicators - Special Education Instructional Practices-
- Instructional Environment and Practice
- Committee on Special Education (CSE) Process in development
- Individualized Education Program (IEP) Development in development
- Drawing Distinctions Between Coherent and Fragmented Efforts at Building Inclusive Schools- This discussion highlights the importance of making clear distinctions between the implementation of comprehensive and coherent inclusive practices and the inevitable problems or dilemmas that result from partial or fragmentary implementation. Practices that are seen in successful inclusive settings are discussed, as well as ideas concerning implications for future research and practice. Written by Linda Davern, The Sage Colleges, Education Dept., TroyMara Sapon-Shevin, Syracuse University Michaela D' Aquanni, Syracuse University Mary Fisher, Syracuse University
- 2009 Initiative 23A Final Report from the PBS Study Group-
This Final report submitted by Amanda Fenlon details the efforts of the Study Group on Positive Behavior Supports to meet their goals of
- Explore How to Implement/Utilize PBS QIs in Teacher Preparation Programs
- Collect and analyze data and implementation of QI activities
- Collaborate with SETRC in using QIs
(See attached pdf)
- 2009 Final Report for Initiative 23A: Special Education Practices Study Group- Submitted by Howard Weiner, group facilitator, 8/30/09 The focus of the current study group’s work derived from issues raised last year by the first Special Education Practices study group. Two SETRC documents, Quality Indicators Review and Resource Guide for the Delivery of Special Education Services, and a survey of IHE use of quality indicators in teacher preparation programs, provided the original group’s information base for discussion and findings. (continued in the attached pdf)
- Professional Development Standards- The State Education Department has now released the New York State Professional Development Standards. These documents are available at the link below.
- Surveying the Geography of Inclusion among Teacher Preparation Programs in the NYSTFQIS-
These presentations were given by Peter Kozik of the NY Higher Education Support Center and used data from a survey conducted by Hayley Cavino from the Office of Professional Research and Development at Syracuse University.
- NYS DOH resources on Autism- NYS guidelines, screenings, and practice recommendations for early intervention for students with Autism or Pervasive Developmental Disorder.
- 2007-2008: A Report on Three Initiatives-
This document is a summary prepared by Peter Kozik in November 2008. The summary covers the following initiatives:
- Initiative # 5-8-3 Regional Task Force Structure and Leadership,
Partnerships, and Summer Symposia 2007-2008 - Initiative #23 Study Groups for Literacy, Positive Behavioral Supports, and
- Effective Special Education Practice in Schools 2007-2008 Initiative #24: Investigating Effective Practices Pilot
- Initiative # 5-8-3 Regional Task Force Structure and Leadership,
- Supporting Inclusive Classrooms: A Resource-
Edited by David J. Conner
Produced through the efforts of The New York City Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling
This book is available as a downloadable pdf document.
- Teacher Supply and Demand Progress Report 2008-
THis document and the accompanying presentation was put together by The Office Office of Higher Education
Teacher Supply and Demain in New York State Third Annual Report Summary (HTML)
Ful Report (PDF)
- Memorandum: Implementation of Response to Intervention Programs- The purpose of this memorandum is to encourage all school districts in New York State (NYS) to take timely actions to implement response to intervention (RtI) programs in its schools. RtI is a multi-tiered, problem-solving approach that identifies general education students struggling in academic and behavioral areas early and provides them with systematically applied strategies and targeted instruction at varying levels of intervention. See the link below for the full document (PDF)
- Breaking Ranks: Changing an American Institution- A Report of the National Association of Secondary School Principals in Partnership with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching on the High School of the 21st Century.
- Preparing Teachers to Work With Students With Disabilities- Possibilities and Challenges for Special and General Teacher Education A White Paper of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) FOCUS COUNCIL ON SPECIAL EDUCATION February 2002 Two documents, one with ERIC details, one without.
- 2002 Report on Three Initiatives- Executive Summary
- 2002 Final Report- prepared for the New York State Education Department October 2002 This report is available in a series of attached pdf documents in the order listed below. 1) Executive Summary 2) Table of Contents 3) SIG Annual Report 4) District/School Goals Table 5) Table Definitions 6) Activities Table 7) IHE/District Activities Table 8) Region Table 9) Initiative Tables - Initiative 1 - Initiative 2 - Initiative 3
- Golisano Report on Transition- The report describes the struggles of families as they try to plan for their loved ones’ futures and as they face complicated systems and a lack of information about their options. Recommendations in the report include local solutions such as increased communication between schools and service providers, as well as changes needed at the state level.
- Resources on Ninth Grade & Ensuring a Smooth Transition into High School- Subject: REFERENCE POINTS: New Resources on Ninth Grade & Ensuring a Smooth Transition into High School REFERENCE POINTS is an activity of TATRA, a project of PACER Center National High School Center Releases Resources on Ninth Grade and Ensuring a Smooth Transition into High School The National High School Center has released a new set of resources focusing on how to support and guide a smooth transition into high school. "Ninth grade is a critical make-it-or-break-it year for many students and we wanted to highlight
- Dialogue Guide Links- Dialogue Guides are models for conducting interactive discussions across stakeholders in States and districts. These packages make new use of dependable and publicly available information, thus reducing the need to produce new papers. Each Guide circulates a common set of source materials and suggested procedures for involving various audiences in States and districts. In this manner, stakeholders (families, practitioners, professional associations, professors, policymakers, legislators) all over the country can begin interacting in new ways around implementation issues.
- Part 200 Regulations - Students with Disabilities- Includes both part 200 (Students with Disabilities) and part 201 (Procedural Safeguards for Students with Disabilities Subject to Discipline)
- Professional Development Plan (PDP) Summary-
Requirements for the Professional Development Plan
General School Requirements Section 100.2 (dd)
Summarized by Peter L. Kozik from Information at Part 100.2, NYSED.
The purpose of the plan shall be to improve the quality of teaching and learning by ensuring that teachers participate in substantial professional development in order that they remain current with their profession and meet the learning needs of their students.
- Summary of HOUSSE- New York State Requirements for HOUSSE: High Objective Uniform State Standards of Evaluation as per Field Memo: NCLB NYS #05-2003 and AddendaSummary by Peter KozikWhat is the “high objective uniform State standard of evaluation” (HOUSSE)?To be “highly qualified,” teachers must have a bachelor’s degree, be certified for the classes they are teaching (except certain charter school teachers) and demonstrate subject matter competency in all core subjects they teach. A teacher’s highly objective qualifications are measured by HOUSSE Rubrics. HOUSSE is one option for teachers beyond their first year of teaching to demonstrate their competency.
- State Performance Plan indicators for early childhood transition-
Monitoring Priority: Effective General Supervision Part B / Effective Transition
- Report on the National Literacy Panel for Language Mintority Children & Youth
- Chapter 405 Report
- Universal design for learning elements of good teaching- Article on the basics of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
- Universal Design for Instruction Fact Sheet- A basic (two page) information guide to Universal Design Learning.
- Universal Design Applied to Large Scale Assessments- The purpose of this paper is to explore the development of universal design and to consider its application to large scale assessments. Building on universal design principles presented by the Center for Universal Design, seven elements of universally designed assessments are identified and described in this paper.
- Implementing quality, accessible learning: A pilot program in developing accessible online learning resources- An article addressing both the issues of good instructional design and content accessiblity.
- Guidelines for Creating Web Content Accessible to All- Accessibility is for everyone. Although there are legal mandates requiring institutions of higher education to make educational materials accessible accessibility is fundamentally just good web page design.
- Graphic Organizers and the Implications for Universal Design for Learning- Examines the research on educational applications of graphic organizers in grades K-12 and explores points of intersection with Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a curriculum design approach intended to lower the barriers that traditionally limit access to information and learning for many students.
- Focus on Effectiveness - Improving Student Achievement- Twelve core strategies link to 30 classroom examples that show how to apply key research, using technology to engage learners and improve achievement.
- Examining the Effect of Computer-Based Passage Presentation on Reading Test Performance- Examines the impact of transitioning 4th grade reading comprehension assessments to the computer.
- Differentiated Instruction and Implications for UDL Implementation- CAST's publication on Differentiated Instruction and UDL provides the reader with a definition and description of essential features and attributes of this classroom practice.
- Analyzing the Results of Large Scale Assessments to Ensure Universal Design- Paper illustrates one method of determining whether items are functioning differentially for students with disabilities in comparison to their non-disabled counterparts.
- Evaluation of Score Results from Computerized and Paper & Pencil MathematicsTesting in a Large Scale State Assessment- Study reports results from a quasi-controlled empirical investigation addressing the impact on student test scores when using fixed form computer based testing (CBT) versus paper and pencil (P&P) testing as the delivery mode.
- Student Advocacy Handbook for High School Juniors and Seniors Transitioning to College- A collection of items for students to consider when looking to transition from high school to college.
- Next S.T.E.P. (Student Transition & Educational Planning)- A guidebook to support inclusive and collaborative student-directed transition planning in New York State
- Social Security Guide to Employment Support for Individuals with Disabilities (redbook)- Information related to disability insurance and supplemental security income programs.
- The Labor Market for Public School Teachers: A Descriptive Analysis of NY's Teacher Workforce- Many policies being implemented, are intended to raise the level of instruction by attracting and retaining high-quality teachers. In order to design effective policies we must understand... (see attachment)
- Addressing Teacher Quality and Supply Through Compensation Policy- This Article is designed to address the issue of salary compensation as it affects teacher quality, teacher supply, and teacher retention in New York State
- PDF: Survey on Culturally Responsive Teaching- This survey can be used to promote discussion and gather information on Culturally Responsive Environments in schools.
- Guidelines for Designing Curricular & Instructional Modifications to Address IEP Objectives in General Education- This manual presents a process and a set of planning worksheets for Student- Centered Planning Teams to use in designing individualized curricular and instructional modifications. The process outline in this manual consists of six steps outlining a series of actions and decisions that need to be made by the Student-Centered Planning Team.
- A Process for Restructuring Service Delivery Models for Inclusion in New York State- This process for restructuring service delivery models for inclusion is based on a number of assumptions about educational restructuring efforts in general and inclusion in particular.
- 2005 - A report on nine initiatives- The 2005 version of the continuing series of reports issued by the New York Higher Education Support Center for Systems Change and its Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling, this summary report focuses on intiatives including faculty fellowships and leadership groups.
- 2003-2004 Report on 5 Initiatives- A report summarizing five initiatives form 2003-2004 Regional Task Force
- 1999-2000 Annual Report on the TFQIS- Annual report on the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schools
- 1998-1999 Annual Report on the TFQIS- Annual report for the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schools
- 2002-2003 Report on Initiatives 3a, 5, 7, and 8- Summary description of the results of 4 initiatives run by the NYHESC
- 1996-1997 Annual Report on the TFQIS- Annual report on the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schools
- 1995-1996 Annual Report on the TFQIS- Annual report for the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schools
- 1997-1998 Annual Report on the Task Force for Quality Inclusive Schools TFQIS- Annual report filed by Gerald Mager for the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schools
- 2003 Summary on Three Initiatives (1-3)- Report on #1 Seeds for Co-Teaching Grants, #2 Partnership Exploration Grants, and #3 Regional Task Force Summer Action Grants.
- Teaching Students with Invisible Disabilities- Invisible disabilities are the most common type of disability among college students. For example, students with learning disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and/or psychiatric disabilities may request accommodations even though they do not appear to have a disability. (5 pages - pdf)
- Model Syllabus Disability Statement- An example disability statement that can be used/adapted for course syllabi at the post secondary level. (2 pages- PDF)
- Minigrant Initiatives Final Report on Inclusive Teacher Preparation Programs- Asked institutions to indicate their overall plan for developing or modifying their teacher education programs to prepare all teachers for working successfully with students who have special needs. This document is a final report of the project. (96 pages - PDF)
- Synopsis: Standards for Licensing General & Special Education Teachers of Students with Disabilities- This document addresses what beginning general education teachers and special education teachers need to know and be able to do to teach students with disabilities. (70 pages - pdf)
- New York State's Performance Plan- The SPP is designed to evaluate the State's efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of IDEA and describe how the State will improve results.
- Commissioner's Call to Action- Presents a communication plan; a structure for state, regional and local action; and guidance for both policy and practice in early education, high school, and higher education
- State Performance Plan indicators for early childhood transition-