Publications of the SystemsChange Project & HESC

Book: Creating Inclusive Schools

 The Work of the New York Higher Education Support Center for SystemsChange

 Creating Inclusive Schools 

This book represents the final publication of the NY Higher Education Support Center for SystemsChange and is a chronical of the work performed by the HESC, and by the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling.


 Download this book (PDF)

Surveying the Geography of Inclusion among Teacher Preparation Programs in the NYSTFQIS

These presentations were given by Peter Kozik of the NY Higher Education Support Center and used data from a survey conducted by Hayley Cavino from the Office of Professional Research and Development at Syracuse University.

Standards for Inclusive Teacher Preparation Programs

This document outlines eight standards for Inclusive Teacher Preparation Programs in an effort to produce quality inclusive schooling in NYS.

Supporting Inclusive Classrooms: A Resource

Edited by David J. Conner 

Produced through the efforts of The New York City Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling

This book is available as a downloadable pdf document.

PowerPoint: Connecting State Performance Plans and Technical Assistance Through Evidence-Based Education

Presentation made to the Aug 2006 Osep project directors' meeting in Washington, DC

Rubric for Assessing the Qualities of Partnerships Between Schools and Teacher Preparation Programs at Institutions of Higher Ed

The purpose of this document is to assess partnerships between schools and institution of higher education teacher preparation programs. By focusing on specific quality indicators, this rubric may be used to help assess these partnerships for a variety of purposes:
1) pre-program needs assessment,
2) ongoing self-assessment,
3) observational tool for studing partnership effectiveness.

( Word Document)
Also included is a powerpoint presentation giving an overview of the rubric.

Scoring Matrix for Program Quality Indicators Addressing the Needs of Students Through Inclusive Schools

The purpose of this matrix is to assess programs that seek to provide quality inclusive schooling to all students.

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