Inclusion and Inclusive Practices

Possible Criteria for Selecting, Assessing, and Sustaining High Quality Clinical Practice in Inclusive Settings

The purposes of this session are to: (a) discuss the concept of high quality clinical practice in inclusive settings, (b) offer suggestions for selecting, assessing, and sustaining such placements, and (c) propose a practitioner-driven applied research agenda.

Presented at the Spring 2011 Statewide meeting of the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling by Larry Maheady.

Collaborative Inquiry Teams for more Inclusive Pedagogy: Teachers College Inclusive Classrooms Project

Asked to provide professional development for the recent New York City Special Education Phase One Reform, TCICP convened 8 year-long collaborative inquiry groups of public school teachers and administrators. The project director and research fellow provide an overview of the project and two teachers share how the Spotlight work helps them support the achievement of students with disabilities in general education classrooms.

Presented at the March Statewide meeitng of the Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling by
Cynthia Gillespie
Celia Oyler
Sarah Schlessinger
Robert Quinlan

Equity Alliance

Research based practices and loads of other resources for including everyone.

IRIS Modules for

Visit the IRIS Center for Training Enhancements for free online interactive modules, podcasts, case studies and articles that directly and effectively translate research about the education of students with disabilities into practice. The materials of evidence-based topics, including behavior, RTI, learning strategies, and progress monitoring.

Very effective modules that can be used directly with students in teacher preparation programs.

Book: Duets and Dialogues: Voices on Inclusive Practices in Our Schools

 Voices of Inclusive Practices in Our SchoolsThe members of the of the Midwest Region of the Task Force have experienced tremendous interest as we have actively sought to collaborate with K-12 partners and community advocacy agencies to promote the advancement of effective inclusive practices across New York state.

Curriculum Comics

A great collection of comics dealing with topics like

  • Teacher as Reflective Practitioner
  • Learning Styles
  • Multiple Intelligences
  • Classroom Discipline Models

Very clever, and quite compelling. 

Note: These are presented in blog style which means the first post is at the bottom of the page so you are better off progressing through them in reverse order.

Book: Rethinking Disability: A Disability Studies Approach to Inclusive Practices

Cover of bookBy Jan W. Valle, City College, City University of New York
David J. Connor (erroneously spelled Conner on the cover!), Hunter College, City University of New York 

ISBN-13 9780073526041

The 220 page book is published by McGraw-Hill as part of their PRACTICAL GUIDE series
aimed mainly at pre-service and novice teachers, although all texts address
issues also relevant to mid-career and "veteran" teachers.


This website has a great definition of inclusion as well as nice connections for making an inclusive community.

The Golden Rule of Providing Support in Inclusive Classrooms

An article published in TEC by Julie N. Causton-Theoharis of Syracuse University, it is about how adults can best provide support in inclusive classrooms.

Book: The Paraprofessional's Handbook for Effective Support in Inclusive Classrooms

Cover of Paraprofessional's HandbookBy Julie Causton-Theoharis, Ph.D.

The survival guide every paraprofessional needs.

Standards for Inclusive Teacher Preparation Programs

This document outlines eight standards for Inclusive Teacher Preparation Programs in an effort to produce quality inclusive schooling in NYS.

Special Education Resources for General Educators (SERGE)

The SERGE website was designed to provide general classroom educators with quick access to information and professional development about addressing the needs of students who have disabilities and special education. Interesting set-up arranges content by essential questions.

Book: Access to Academics for All Students: Critical Approaches to

by Paula Kluth, Douglas Biklen, Diana Straut and others
ISBN 0805841660

Book: Joyful Learning

Active and Collaborative Learning in Inclusive Classrooms
by Alice Udvari-Solner and Paula Kluth

isbn: 9781412941747 paperback
isbn: 9781412941730 hardcover
Pub Date: 12-14-2007

Film: Including Samuel

Photojournalist Dan Habib rarely thought about inclusion before he had his son Samuel seven years ago. Now he thinks about inclusion every day. Habib’s documentary film Including Samuel examines the educational and social inclusion of youth with disabilities as a civil rights issue.

Supporting Inclusive Classrooms: A Resource

Edited by David J. Conner 

Produced through the efforts of The New York City Task Force on Quality Inclusive Schooling

This book is available as a downloadable pdf document.

Danforth School Inclusive Humanities Initiative

Powerpoint presentation on inclusion and literacy including English Language Learners

Presentation: Partnerships in Brooklyn

Michael Shoenfeld's PowerPoint presentation on inclusinve teaching methods and partnerships in Brooklyn.

Experiencing Inclusion: A Critical Analysis of the Lives of Teachers in Inclusive Classrooms

PowerPoint Presentation by Ann Monroe-Baillargeon from the University of Rochester

A Critical Research Analysis of Membership in Inclusive Education: Issues and Implications

PDF Presentation by Elizabeth Erwin from Queens College

Guidelines for Designing Curricular & Instructional Modifications to Address IEP Objectives in General Education

This manual presents a process and a set of planning worksheets for Student- Centered Planning Teams to use in designing individualized curricular and instructional modifications. The process outline in this manual consists of six steps outlining a series of actions and decisions that need to be made by the Student-Centered Planning Team.

Jonathan Mooney

Jonathan Mooney has some interesting perspectives on special ed from the inside looking out.

Jonathan produced a documentary about himself, as a young man once labeled “severely learning disabled” journeying across America to find others who have used humor, imagination, and resiliency to create satisfying lives beyond “normal.”

Bibliography: General Instructional Strategies and Curriculum

Bauer, A. M., & Shea, T. H. (1999). Inclusion 101: How to teach all learners. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes, Publishing Co.

Bergen, D. (1993). Teaching strategies: Facilitating friendship development in inclusion classrooms. Childhood Education, 69(4), 234-36.

Block, M. E. (1994). A teacher's guide to including students with disabilities in regular physical education. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes, Publishing Co

Carbo, M. (1996). Reading styles: High gains for the bottom third. Educational Leadership, 53(5), 8-13.

Bibliography: Teaching Children Positive Peer Relationship and Personal Competency Skills

Bryant, B. (1998). Children's coping at school: The relevance of "failure" and cooperative learning for enduring peer and academic success. In Meyer, L., Park, H., Grenot-Scheyer, M., Schwartz, I., Harry, B., (Eds.), (1998). Making Friends. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.

Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L., & Bahr, M. (1990). Social skills rating system. MN: American Guidance Service.

Johnson, L.J. and Pugach, M.C. (1991). Accommodating the needs of students with mild learning and behavioral problems through peer collaboration. Exceptional Children, 57,454-461.

Bibliography: Early Intervention / Prevention Strategies

Cheney, D., & Muscott, H. (1996). Preventing school failure for students with emotional and behavioral disabilities through responsible inclusion. Preventing School Failure, 40(3), 109-116.

Learning First Alliance

The Learning First Alliance is a permanent partnership of 15 leading education associations with more than 10 million members dedicated to improving student learning in America's public schools.

National Inclusive Schools Week organizers

National Inclusive Schools Week highlights and celebrates the progress of our nation's schools in providing a supportive and quality education to an increasingly diverse student population.

Restructuring for Inclusive School Environments (RISE)

A technical assistance and support project for schools in West Tennessee Sponsored by The Tennessee Dept. of Education's Division of Special Education and located at the University of Memphis.

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY)

Central source of information on: disabilities in infants, toddlers, children, and youth, IDEA, No Child Left Behind, research-based information on effective educational practices.

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