
Effective Use of the Literacy Quality Indicators as a Tool for Assessing School District's Instructional Programs & Practices

This presentation will provide participants with a brief overview of the format of the LQIs. Case studies will be presented on the various ways school districts have incorporated the use of LQIs in determining priority need areas as well as prescribing and planning activities to change practices to improve outcomes for students with disabilities. Several "Walkthrough" formats that have been designed based on the LQIs will be shared.

Two books recommended in this session were

IRIS Modules for

Visit the IRIS Center for Training Enhancements for free online interactive modules, podcasts, case studies and articles that directly and effectively translate research about the education of students with disabilities into practice. The materials of evidence-based topics, including behavior, RTI, learning strategies, and progress monitoring.

Very effective modules that can be used directly with students in teacher preparation programs.

Poetry: Moments and Memories by James Toomey

James Toomey has a fairly profound learning disability making it seem unlikely that he would ever author a book. His book of poetry and thoughts about growing up in a large family are both moving and inspiring. Jim lives and was raised in Rochester NY.

This book can be a wonderful example for teachers of the disabled and for disabled students to see what is possible when no limits are placed, and no limits are assumed.


Online book for Maximizing Literacy Learning for Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities

This online book was prepared by Roberta F. Schnorr and Amanda Fenlon from SUNY Oswego and does a great job of adressing literacy skills. It is full of extra documents, examples and videos of the techniques being described. (some restrictions exist regarding who can view the videos)

Book: A Land We can Share: Teaching Literacy to Students with Autism

by Paula Kluth and Kelly Chandler-Olcot

isbn: 978-1-55766-855-4 paperback

Teachers are going to love this book! Passionate and practical, it moves beyond "sight words" and other functional literacy skills and provides the know-how for bringing quality, meaningful literacy instruction to students with autism. Authored by respected, dynamic scholars in autism and literacy, the book breaks new ground as it focuses specifically on ways in which educators can improve literacy outcomes for students with autism spectrum disorders in Grades K–12 classrooms.

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